
Catholic Schools Office Maitland-Newcastle Logo

Parent/Carer Groups in Our Catholic Schools

Since 1981, parents/carers in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle have had an active diocesan parent organisation to represent their voice.

The Federation links more than 50 local Parents & Friends Associations in this diocese. Its aim is to promote and foster school parent organisations.

Activities of the Federation have included: lobbying in state and federal elections, road and bus safety issues for our school children, supporting volunteers in schools, lobbying and support for children and families with special needs, publication of a Homework Handbook for parents, as well as running a program of education days and seminars. 

An elected Delegate and an Alternate Delegate from the Federation of P & F Associations represent the diocese on the


The documents below are a selection of resources that you can use within your own school's P&F Association or Parent Engagement Group (PEG). These documents have been produced by the Federation of Parents & Friends Associations, Maitland-Newcastle Diocese.